Hey There!

I’d like to invite you to join our community.

Here’s why:

I hit a low point in my life about a year after I graduated. I’d worked for years to earn my degree and moved across the country to start my first job… only to be laid off after 9 months! My wife and I were expecting our first baby, we had no income, no health insurance, a mountain of debt, and my career was stalled.

Looking back, I realized that the only reason I didn’t totally despair was that I couldn’t. People were depending on me. I’m thankful that my mentors inspired me to take that time and use it to grow as much as possible. I read books, listened to podcasts, read blogs… I was focused on becoming the best version of myself so that I could move forward.

You’re reading this because you are also interested in the idea of growth. You may be at a low point (like I was), or you may just have a feeling that there is more to life than what you’re currently experiencing. The point is that you’re at least toying with the idea that life is best when it is lived on purpose.

The big thing that I was missing was support. I had plenty of folks who gave me encouragement and advice or offered reassurance – but I didn’t have anyone to talk to who was working on the same kinds of growth as I was. I have to say, it was lonely.

I don’t want that for you, which is why I’m inviting you to join us.

The Intentional Academy Community is an online discussion group with one goal: to bring people like us together so that we can support each other in living our best lives. We use a free messaging platform that runs on mobile, web, and desktop apps. We’ve got a number of channels in the community so that you can participate in the discussions that are most helpful for you.

The main themes revolve around Time, Career, and Prosperity – but we let the conversation evolve as needed. The goal is to make this an action-oriented place. We’ll work together to get things done: from daily planning sessions to monthly budget workshops, resume edits to interview prep, building a professional image to figuring out your dream job, book clubs to goal setting, this community is here to help.

If you’d like to join, enter your name and email address in the form. We’ll send you our Community Guidelines along with an invitation link to join the community. This will also subscribe you to our weekly email list, which shares inspiration and announcements about opportunities to do more with the Intentional Academy. Don’t like email? That’s alright. You can unsubscribe from the email list and remain a member of our interactive community.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Tony Ferrar, PhD